Wednesday, January 11, 2012

MF Doom- Bells of Doom

This is just classic MF Doom, always been a fan and I continue to bump this dude. If anyone isn't aware of this character, it's about time ou find the fuck out. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Winter Music Conference 2012: South Beach

This year, one of the most anticipated Music events will be held in the heart of Miami, FL during the month of March. Bringing you some of the most innovative products, knowledge and rising artists, the Winter Music Conference takes the cake as one of the dopest shows/events/conferences in the world. Next to SXSW in Texas, WMC is one of the events I always say I'm going to hit up but always fall short of planning every year. But not this year, nah, I'm absolutely hittin the beach to get my mind blown by the knowledge and theatrics I will be taking in during this event!

Many of you may want to attend this event as well, so here are some quick details about the event......

Winter Music Conference 2012
MARCH 16 - 25, 2012
The Beachplex

on the beach at
21st Street and Collins Ave

Early Registration-$345 (Ends January 13, 2012)
The price goes up after this date
-International Dance Music Awards
-WMC record Collector's Show
-DJ Spin Off
-Product Exhibits
-VJ Challenge
-Demo Listening Workshops
-Remixing and Editing Workshops
-Club Events and Parties
-South Beach Sessions Discussion Series
-Numerous Seminars and Panels
As you can see, there is a ton of stuff to do during your potential 10 day stay for the WInter Music Conference. I advise any and all aspiring artists, producers, DJ's, or music enthusiasts, to attend this event. From everything I have heard, it is absolutely worth the money and traveling. Plus, it's in fuckin Miami Beach, what lame ass excuse do you have not to go? You have a little over three months to plan and save your quartahs. In the mean time visit

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NYE: Was it what you expected?

So yet another year rolls by us, this time, it was 2011. The most anticipated night of the year has also gone by, New Year's Eve. And I'm not talking that lame ass movie where they packed in as many washed up or "B" list celebrities into one film just so it can look somewhat appealing to a broad audience. I'm talking $100 cover charges, Dom Perignon bottle poppin, out with your friends, holding your girls hair back while she pukes-partying.

Every year there are different themes and specials at the cities Night Clubs and Bars and every year we all go into the night expecting nothing but the best, but always leaving with a "what the fuck" look on our face. I mean let's be real here, the bar is always set way too high and everyone continues to fall short. I have yet to hear one explanation of some one's NYE and have it be that it was an amazing fuckin time and they were so overwhelmed with how dope it was. It just doesn't happen, least not in Boston that is.

So I'm proposing that myself, along with many of you that read this shit show of a blog, should compile all of the sources and connects that we have and put on an absolute ripper in the city for 2012 New Year's Eve......Or maybe December 20, 2012, cuz that's when the world comes to an end right? Fuck it. I'm talking in a huuuuge venue, even something commercial like House of Blues, if we have enough cash to rent the bitch out.

Here are my thoughts....

-Something warehouse-like for a venue
-Try and grab a celebrity DJ
-Bring in 2 or 3 of the dopest DJ's we know, spin straight party jams, a mix of electronic and hip hop to satisfy every one's needs.
-No dress code
-Insane light show
-Go-go dancers by the dozen
-Throw some kind of theme to it, we can think of that later
-Get sponsors that are down to rage
-Charge around $50, depends on how big of a venue we can get, the bigger the better

This isn't too far from being a reality, all I need is some sponsors, and a few people to get me the money up front for rentals, DJ's and fees and it's a wrap. With the amount of promoters, DJ's, dancers and ragers I know, New Year's Eve 2012 could be an absolute ripper in which we could all have a good time. No tinsel and bullshit, no $100 cover charges, no shitty DJ's that play Top 40 junk and cross fade into songs with beat matching (pet peeve). Fuck all that, I wanna do extra shit you wouldn't even think of; CO2 guns, themed dancers, ridiculous light show, etc. I mean shit, I know my boy DJ Costa throws his monthly "Costa's House Party" at The Estate, right downtown, and puts on a killer event allll the time! Inflatable animals, CO2 guns, glow sticks, I mean the works. This dude knows what he's doing, if you have time check that party out!

But anyways, I'd loooove to get this dude to bring this party to a grand scale for next year's NYE! He would absolutely kill it, he's one of the best DJ's I know. But see what I'm saying? Do shit like that, have fun, be a kid, don't go out for NYE and be all dapper n sip champagne, come rage at a venue with killer DJ's, insane music, and fun fuckin people!

Today is January 4, 2012, I am now on a mission to find people who want to be a part of this. If you are interested in any aspect, hit me up on twitter @TalesOfTheKidd or email me at I am dead serious about this and am now excited as shit to work with some great people and make this happen!

Pour me a drink, I got mad work to do.