Friday, July 29, 2011

The Hebrew Hammer

Growing up I never had any Jewish friends, simply because where I am from is very uncultured. Of course once I moved to Boston, that all changed. Most recently when I got my new apartment with 5 of my other friends, we had two bedrooms we still had to fill in the giant, now well known, 66 Quint. So thanks to craigslist and Emerson College, we got two new roommates. Enter Rockman, a Bay Area native with some serious HipHop knowledge, scary good talents in writing, an apathetic attitude and oh yeah, he's Jewish. Literally the brunt of all Jewish jokes in the house now and for no absolute reason. Anything from "Hey Rockman, there's a penny on the floor." to dropping Hard J's (Jew) to his face. By all means it was in good fun: I mean we are a house full of mid 20's dudes. Trust me, none of us are anti-semetic, in fact we all acknowledge that Jewish People run the world and are fantastic with numbers, it's just facts and we are merely jealous. But at the time, Rockman was viewed as the roommate who could hang, but wanted nothing to do with the shenanigans we were bringing to the house. The man in the cave we called him. We would throw parties and he'd get down, but to an extent, filing into his room when the opportunity presented itself. Now me being the outrageous alcoholic prick that I am, I seemed to take notice to this and then quickly took advantage of it.....

Countless nights from November on, I would come home obliterated beyond recognition and make it a point to barate and torment my new West Coast roommate. It started with just simply screaming his name as loud as I could until he'd come out and have some after hours drinks with the rest of the roommates and company that came out. And then it quickly turned into me sneaking onto his balcony and breaking into his room to scare the living shit out of him just to get a laugh. STOP, I know what you're thinking, I have absolutely nothing against him, at all. I just thought it was hilarious to include him in the insane and out of line shit we were doing. I felt like he needed to be a part of it, shit, I thought it was my duty to break him in. He would complain, make a small stink, but never truly got upset with me. I am an extrovert and he is an introvert, we both knew this and it became an unwritten law that any night I came home smashed, Rockman was waking up to hangout, whether he wanted to or not. But one night, the rock didn't think it was funny anymore, oh no, this time the Hebrew Hammer laid down the law.

After a night full of drinks and exchanged phone numbers, my boy JonJon and I returned to the house with a few ladies of the night and for some reason, JonJon told them that we had a roommate we called the penguin. Now we have never called Rockman the penguin, it doesn't even make any sense really, clearly we were trashed and the word penguin was funny. But then while we were drinking at the house and trying to keep the party going while everyone else was sleeping; the girls decided to provoke "The Penguin" out of his "igloo." Again, no idea why this was even happening. Both girls were just, "Hey penguin, come out in your tux!" or "Come here little penguin!" Now this had gone on for a good half an hour if not more. I then recieved a text from my San Fran Giants lover Rockman, stating that if i didn't shut these bitches up, he'd do it for me. So I proceeded to quiet these chicken heads but there was no use. The Penguin Brigade continued, these girls seriously wanted to see something waddle out of that door. Now I even wonder if they thought we seriously had a penguin, none the less the door handle jiggled a bit and with a swing of the door, out came the rock. Absolutely furious, screaming "Get the fuck out of my house you dumb bitches!!" I have never seen this kid mad let alone yell at females, this was a surprise! The girls left immediatly and JonJon and I were left with our jaws on the floor. Because no sooner did he turn back into his room without a word to us.

To this day I have no explanation for the penguin incident, since then I haven't seen him get nearly as upset or even yell for that matter. It was a day I will never forget, it was the day I got hit with the Hebrew Hammer. Rockman and I remain boys, and I no longer ruin his life while he tries to sleep and I am intoxicated.

Fuck it, pour me a drink, let's wake this dude up....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zoo Specimens

This Blog Post is brought to you by Boones Farm Tickle Pink, and Marlboro 100's.....

Just returned to Boston and nursing a severe hangover after a long weekend in the Great North; Maine. Day one of my visit consisted of taking my little niece to the "zoo" aka York's Wild Kingdom; pretty much a fenced in area with a plethora of random animals that have seen better days. This establishment has been around for as long as I can remember, and I am pretty sure that white tiger is the same one that I went to see when I was seven.... Needless to say, the place could use a few updates in not only their animals but the outdated 1970's signange as well. Regardless, I enjoy the zoo so I was ready to witness these decrepid animals in their depressing little play pens.

But it wasn't the caged animals that I ended up getting a kick out of. Oh no, it was the creatures that flocked in from what seemed like a sewer plant neighborhood. Now I'm no high class snob, but holy shit, some of these people were straight specimens. They waddled around the park with their stained sweat pants, chain smoking cigarettes and tugging their kids on leashes. It was like the Trailer Park Express bus was running fifty cent rides to the zoo. Between viewing this, smelling their corndog and Marlboro stenched outfits and the hangover I had from the night before, I was about ready to vomit onto the platform where you could ride the ancient elephant for $20. Luckily I held my composure because shit, I'm with the fam. So instead I'd point out these wretched creatures to everyone in hopes of easing my nausea. Soon enough we had seen the fleet of expired animals and walked over to the amusement park that is attached.

Now we are seriously talking about outdated equipment; rides and fun houses that were built back in the 60's. Some of these rides seemed like they were going to just collapse in place and the bolts would just pull out if you touched them due to the 50 years of rust. Did I mention the staff that is employed on this side of the park? A mix between your average carney that only knows the stop and go buttons and the characters from Rob Zombies: House of 1,000 Corpses film. Just absolute terrifying, back country folk who all shared the same "I'll eat you" grin and "put the lotion on" stare. Did not have any close encounters with these people but after a few hours with this material in front of me, I had had enough so we planned our departure.

We all made it out in one piece and had a ball with my niece as well as people, I mean specimen watching the entire day. I guess I don't have a moral to the story, just an insane view on the creatures that populate where we live.

Pour me a drink in honor of these Stephen King characters.....


Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome to the Tales of Kidd Drunkadelic

After countless nights that rendered almost unimaginable stories, it came to me that I should share the in's and out's of the city as well as the mindboggling interactions with the people of the Bean. Not to mention the amount of things lined up for this coming year is just aggressive. With events such as:
  • Identity Festival in Mansfield, MA
  • North Coast Music Festival in Chicago, IL
  • Tiesto live at University of Rhode Island
  • Deadmau5 doing four nights in Boston at the House of Blues
And these are just big shows, not even the day to day shenanagins I get into or random tips I have to share about the amazing city that I live in, Boston. There is a ton of fun shit to do in this city and an even bigger amount of fun people and I intend to bring my experiences and views on what's going on around the Hub. Don't expect good cooking recipes, my opinion on celebrity break ups or any other bullshit you see on Perez Hilton.

So let the Tales begin, time to pour myself a drink and see what I get into tonight.......