Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Every ripper we throw at the 66 Quint Palace would have our very own, "SKIPPY," on tap. And by on tap, I mean thrown into Gatorade jugs and placed on the counter in the kitchen, right next to the counter that girls get on top of and dance on; no matter their size..... We would literally go through three batches of SKIPPY in less than two hours. It has always been a huge hit and now become a classic drink provided by the Quint boys. So what are the ingredients you ask?

  • One full thirty rack of beer. Preferably Busch Light or some other cheap shit.
  • One fifth of Vodka. Again, something cheap like Cossack or Orloff. 
  • Two 2 Liters of Mountain Dew
  • One entire small bucket of Country Time Lemonade mix. Flavor of your choice. 
Now sometimes you may be running short, but you promised that hot blonde with the mini skirt a cup of SKIPPY. Now you need to improvise, Gatorade bucket isgetting dry, how are you going to pour the drink? Improvise with rogue ingredients of course:
  • Excessive amounts of Red Bull. They once sponsored one of our parties and I emptied a case into a SKIPPY batch, along with other things.
  • Any FOUR LOKO. (Be careful, this is a one-way ticket to Black Out City.
  • Brugal. Some Spanish liquor that a friend of mine introduced me to. It's pretty serious, and along with the Red Bull, I added half a bottle of this.
  • Sauza Gold Tequila. 
  • Your typical Lemon Lime Gatorade.
  • Random beers you find in your fridge.

These are all personal additions as I scrambled through the kitchen trying to stretch the last batches at our blockbuster parties such as Highlighter Party, Halloween Ripper, Farewell FOUR LOKO. This has always been a hit with us, it was shown to me and I cannot take full credit for the recipe, nor any credit. I think it's a 53 Joy recipe, who knows. I also have no fuckin clue why it's called SKIPPY, it has absolutely nothing to do with peanut butter. Fuck it, try it out, it's sure to take off at a party.

Trust me, it tastes dangerously good. Would I steer you wrong? Grab your SOLO cups, tell the DJ to spin some face melting Dubstep and get weird with that blonde chick in the mini skirt already!

Now ending with the random 90's hottie......this brought to you by The Hebrew Hammer.

Summer fuckin Sanders, Salud.

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