Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Take on Occupy Boston

First let me start with this; I am all for a peaceful protest, shit even violent protests if that's what it takes to get the point across.

There is nothing more American than trying to stick it to "The Man" and tell him you're not going to confide in to his outrageous rules.........But tenting out in the middle of Boston to protest that 1% that is the rich? Showing the world that the 99% really is bummy and can look absolutely homeless just to state their opinion. Yeah, that's really showing the government you're not going to take their bullshit anymore!

Haha it's embarrassing to even see these people with their hand written card board signs, and their 10 year old Coleman tents, preaching about taxing the rich and bringing them down to our financial level. These tent city hobos need to realize that they are fighting an uphill battle that they are not going to win. If I were Mayor, I would have taken the fire hoses to them weeks ago, enough is enough. We get it, you're poor or middle class and you're pissed about it, boo-hoo. I can proudly sit here and say that I am part of that 99% and when I do become that 1%, I will feel just the same about the situation.

Not all of the rich individuals are trust fund babies that sit in a bathtub full of cold coins, this isn't fucking Scrooge McDuck. There are many people who have earned their way to the top, I don't care if they were a stripper for 20 years and then sold Cocaine on the side. It may not be the most honest way to make a living, but they are sitting in their warm, furnished estate, you however are stuck in the rain right now in your shitty camping tent. Stop pointing the finger at the ones who have made it on their own, or even the ones that were born into it.

Life isn't always fair, when you can come to that realization, the decisions you make will become much easier. Continue to push for success, if you fall short, at least you know you weren't just sitting around in a tent waiting for lawmakers to change things for you.

Control your own destiny.

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