Thursday, December 29, 2011

Kid Ink w/ Serge Didenko, Maye Star and The Fly Rydaz

Last night me and the Kush Groove crew went over to the Middle East Downstairs venue in Cambridge, MA for the Kid Ink show put on by Leedz Edutainment and NV Concepts (Two of New Englands leading Hip Hop promoters). After a good session with my boys and selling some KG threads we had in the trunk, we headed in to what was my first appearance at the Middle East's Downstairs location. This place has solid square footage and is truly a decent music venue overall. With your typical venue bar, ratty bathrooms and small stage, the Middle East Downstairs provides a perfect music haven for a hip hop show.

The first act that hit the stage was a local group that goes by the name of The Fly Rydaz. My boy and I had never heard of the crew but a couple guys from Kush Groove knew em and my boy DJ Stix was spinnin on stage with them and vouched for em. But after hearing just two tracks, I was sold, their stage presence alone was enough to convince me to get tickets to see them live again. Not only that, but their rhymes were on point, the beats were hot and I'm fuckin pissed i didn't grab a CD from them after the show. But seriously kidds, get out there and check this group out, they are serious. Plus they are holdin down Cambridge, MA with a force; I am positive this will not be the last time you hear about the local Hip Hop sensation, The Fly Rydaz.

The next act was Serge Didenko, a very familiar artist to me seeing as I got my promoting start promoting for him and this reggae band Ila Mawana, who by the way is a great reggae band. But Serge hit the stage with typical fashion, winning over the crowd with his hooks and glam. This dude has a serious following and doesn't have a hard time getting fans. With his hype man Igo on stage, they took over their 20 minute slot and did their thing. New England stand up!

But let's pump the brakes real quick, while I was takin a piss in the bathroom, and stickering the walls with Kush Groove stickers, I was bum rushed by security saying that they were kicking me out due to drug use. Now I had nothing on me, I was engaging in anything at all, just merely street teamin there bathroom and making it known that Kush Groove was there. But after an intense search and this fuckin fool security guard comin up with absolutely nothin, I had to get some fresh air, so I stepped out for a minute or two. At this time I missed the end of Serge's set as well as the majority of the next acts set, Maye Star. I only caught a song or two of Maye Star but he seemed legit.....Haha really didn't hear enough to have an opinion, sorry dude.

Lastly, we were finally graced with the presence of the headliner, Kid Ink. Now I don't even know a ton of his stuff, I listened to a little on DatPiff and YouTube'd him, that's about it. But this dude is serious, and has a serious following, I mean the Middle East was packed with people. Kid Ink is absolutely on the rise and will continue to do well in the Hip Hop world and I advise you all to go see him live, he puts on a great show.

So get out there and check out new music! Don't limit yourself, if you are a Hip Hop Head, go check out something random, an Indie band, Folk artist, shit my boy who is a serious Hip Hop Head, just went to a show with a headliner who strictly played the banjo. Be open minded, if it sucks, write it off as a loss and take the positives from it. Music is a powerful tool and usually involves some of the coolest people in the world.

Don't forget to get over to to check out our entire line as well as upcoming events and posts from Kush University!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

IT'S GOIN DOWN! Time to hate on whack Radio DJ's.....

First and foremost, if you haven't fuckin noticed, I would consider myself a bit of a hater, tastefully of course. I don't hate on any ones hustle or grind, as long as it is legitimate. But what we are about to dive into is one of the most annoying professions in the world; the dreaded Whack Radio DJ...

Now let's not get confused with the occasional or even consistent DJ that goes on the various stations and mixes throughout the night or does special appearances. That's all love and brings new music to the airwaves, positive. It's the ever so loud and obnoxious Radio DJ's that are designated on their stations say in and day out that continue to fill your ears with bullshit. Rockin out to their best blend of Top 40, but making sure to ruin the first 50seconds or more of the incoming song. Talking about their bullshit music festival with that is in some arena with special guests Mims or Tyga. WAIT! I'm not a huge fan of these two, not hating on them, they do their thing, but by all means are not special guests to a large music festival. But back to these radio cronies; you know the ones I'm talking about, the ones that get on the mic and bullshit just spills out their mouth like-


Like the radio stations aren't worse enough with the same songs playing over and over on a loop all day and being paid by the record labels to just play the same cheesy Billboard hits to please the 15 year old boppers sittin somewhere in the suburbs. Now we got these ass clowns yellin on the mic about events, artists, and news we don't even care about!


I can't even depict a good impression, that is how much these people drive me crazy. I mean I understand we all gotta have work, and maybe it's just a paycheck to some of them, but others live and breathe to be annoying on the mic. Not to mention, they have ridiculous stage names, Homie Dawg 105, Sierra Sarah, Nothing But Money Hunny. (All of these are fake examples because I don't wanna hear any shit from these JAMN fiends, KISS 108 fools or HOT 97 jokers. Plus I avoid legal slander.)

But in all honesty, this post is just to vent about how ridiculous these assholes are and how much I appreciate satellite radio, pod casts and other forms of non commercial radio. Although I'm sure some of those even have babbling idiots on them as well. I hope you share my hatred for these animals and if you don't, well then I hope you go deaf listening to these fools mixed in with their awesome T-Pain mixes and waste of money concerts.

Get on board with some real music. Check out Mark Farina's Mushroom Jazz mixes for all you hip hoppers and jazz fiends.

Jump over to and grab new hip hop mix tapes, take a chance on an artist you've never even heard of, you might be surprised. And if it sucks, just delete it, no harm done.

Or check out these blogs and Lame ass names, but they tend to have a few gems on their site here and there.

Educate yourself with music, don't be slaves to the commercial radio airwaves!

BTW that dude in the picture's name is DJ Phat Fabes....I fuckin told you they have whack ass names.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Douche

This goes out to the mid 30's douche bag that bumped in to me today as I was off to the side of the street fixing something in my bag. Thanks for calling me a "fuckin idiot" and then when confronted about it, walking away but still running your mouth to something of the tough tune of "yeah well, why don't you just keep walking." I have no problem droppin all these bags I'm carrying and cleaning the street with your face. Did you really think I would be all "Oh I'm sorry" about you being a dick? Because you looked terrified as I spun around and egged you on to make something happen. I mean seriously, by the looks of that scarf, those leather clogs and your haircut, I doubt you are much of the fighting type. I'm sure your newly wed wife wouldn't like her family Christmas picture with you having a black eye or two.

So for future reference, please don't try and start a fight with me in the middle of Newbury Street in downtown Boston unless you are going to go through with it. I have very little patience and am a busy man. But in all realness, I would like to thank you for giving me a good laugh as I was frantically Christmas shopping. It's good to know I can count on an Ivy League bitch like yourself to try and start shit and then scurry away as I called your bluff.

Merry Christmas to everyone reading this and I hope you don't run into some douche bag that's all pissy because his Vineyard Vines polo has a rip in it. Get real prep school.

Pour me a Jack and Coke in honor of this angry and violent post, haha.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Shrine's Eve of the Eve celebration with Steve Aoki

Alright Kidds, it's about that time again, time to ring in the New Year. While you may already have plans at the same nightclub or bar, with the same people, for the same $50+ ticket, you may want to reconsider your plans and maybe even the night you go out. Shrine MGM is hosting an Eve of the Eve party December 30, 2011 with the one and only Steve Aoki!

Shrine MGM down in Connecticut, offers top shelf entertainment and arguably the hottest nightclub scene in New England. With a plethora of VIP sections, Bottle Service specials and some of the bombest sushi on the coast, Shrine continues to perfect the New England night life. Not to mention they bring us some killer fuckin DJ's with likes of DJ Chuckie, DJ Riz, Rock-It Scientists, DJ Costa and Resident DJ, DJ JD, just to name a few. Steve Aoki is the brain behind Dim Mak Records and has sparked careers for artists such as The Bloody Beetroots, Bloc Party, The Kills, and MSTRKRFT. I saw Aoki live at this summers Identity Festival down in Mansfield, MA and was truly impressed by the overall show he puts on and the absolute bangers that he drops, he is absolutely worth any price they decide to charge.

As far as this event specifically, it's only $25! Doors are at 9:00pm and all guests must adhere to dress code. Proper ID requiredThis is brought to you by Big Night Entertainment and is of course a 21+ event. If interested in VIP Tables, call 860.204.6366 and start poppin bottles!

Now I am planning on hitting this event just because NYE in Boston just continues to be the same shit with the same people and I end up droppin a ton of cash to just party in the city that I always party in. So come do something different, come party in the woods of CT, at the hottest nightclub around. 

Be sure to follow Steve Aoki @steveaoki and Shrine MGM @ShrineMGM for all of the latest and greatest events going on!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kush Groovin!

Yo I'm sure you've heard me say it before but seriously, you guys need to check out Boston's newest clothing line Kush Groove Clothing. A 420 lifestyle inspired brand that is takin on some serious exposure.

Visit the site and place your orders. Also check out the tumblr for us at the Kush University tab.

If you're on Twitter be sure to follow me and my team @TalesOfTheKidd, @DoHBoI151, @TRUECVOG, @mjohnsonsmith, @djstix235.

Get on board with our GROOVEMENT and support one of Boston's hottest clothing lines.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Method Man Show at The Paradise Rock Club

So real quick, me and my boys hit up the Smoker's Club Tour when it came to the Paradise Rock Club over on Commonwealth. The headliner was the real reason we were there, seeing as it was the M-E-T-H-O-D Man from the legendary rap group the Wu-Tang Clan for all you fools who didn't know. His supporting acts for this tour were Curren$y, Big Krit, Smoke DZA, Fiend, The Pricks and Corner Boy P. We were only aware of a couple of these acts so feared that these scrubs would take up too much of the stage time that we wanted Meth to have.

Not the case, both Curren$y and Big Krit had decent performances, not to mention, Meth had a crazy long set that absolutely made it worth being in attendance. The Shaolin native opened up with the 90's hit M-E-T-H-O-D Man just to get the crowd jumpin! And from there on out, the 40 year old rapper continued to murder the stage and take us all back to the beginning of his legacy and then carry us right over the hits of his album Tical.

Basically I am just preaching that if you ever see this man is scheduled to come to your city, pay for the ticket, tell your friends and go have an absolute blast with this dude. Hip hop is changing and it's nice to see one of the real originals still doing his thing and promoting the youth in hip hop.

***Advanced Warning!***


My Take on Occupy Boston

First let me start with this; I am all for a peaceful protest, shit even violent protests if that's what it takes to get the point across.

There is nothing more American than trying to stick it to "The Man" and tell him you're not going to confide in to his outrageous rules.........But tenting out in the middle of Boston to protest that 1% that is the rich? Showing the world that the 99% really is bummy and can look absolutely homeless just to state their opinion. Yeah, that's really showing the government you're not going to take their bullshit anymore!

Haha it's embarrassing to even see these people with their hand written card board signs, and their 10 year old Coleman tents, preaching about taxing the rich and bringing them down to our financial level. These tent city hobos need to realize that they are fighting an uphill battle that they are not going to win. If I were Mayor, I would have taken the fire hoses to them weeks ago, enough is enough. We get it, you're poor or middle class and you're pissed about it, boo-hoo. I can proudly sit here and say that I am part of that 99% and when I do become that 1%, I will feel just the same about the situation.

Not all of the rich individuals are trust fund babies that sit in a bathtub full of cold coins, this isn't fucking Scrooge McDuck. There are many people who have earned their way to the top, I don't care if they were a stripper for 20 years and then sold Cocaine on the side. It may not be the most honest way to make a living, but they are sitting in their warm, furnished estate, you however are stuck in the rain right now in your shitty camping tent. Stop pointing the finger at the ones who have made it on their own, or even the ones that were born into it.

Life isn't always fair, when you can come to that realization, the decisions you make will become much easier. Continue to push for success, if you fall short, at least you know you weren't just sitting around in a tent waiting for lawmakers to change things for you.

Control your own destiny.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Was Gone For A Minute, Now I'm Back Let Me Hit It

After a lengthy hiatus from venting my personal issues and experiences, I would like to welcome myself back to the blog. We have a lot of catching up to do as much has happened while I was out.

First, I'd like to address a ridiculous event that happened back in August when I ventured up to my old stomping grounds of Old Orchard Beach, ME. I went up to the OOB to party and pump the "crowd" with my boy DJ Breeazy, one of Boston's Best DJ's currently. I had gotten wind from him about his vacation up to his beach house in Maine and that while he was there he was doing a favor for a buddy and spinning a night on the renowned Pier. The classic boardwalk, tourist, junk gift shop, bar at the end kind of Pier. Any touristy beach community has one and this one happens to inhabit not only the out of towners, but everyone I went to high school with and everyone you don't want to see.

So long after deciding to go, I found myself basking in the sun on the beach with Breeazy and his girl, sluggin beers and truly gearing up for the shitshow that was upon us. I mean shit, him and his girl even bought two corny ass tourist shirts that read something to the likes of "Come at me bro" or "Everyday I'm shufflin" (because apparently LMFAO's song had JUST surfaced in the OOB). The next step was to nap off the beers then down unbelievable Miami Vice's brought to us by his girl, shouts to Ms. O'Hara for making a serious summer drink and helping approach Blackout City.

Long story short, we arrive to set up and the place is obviously empty, mind you it's 8pm, shits about to get real. Ms. O'Hara and myself decide to get inebriated beyond belief. I mean shots of Goose and Patron before each new drink, which were RedBull and Vodkas, kind of drunk. Now apparently they don't allow any liquor at all on stage with the DJ, which is complete bullshit. But I proceeded to do so and sloppily bring my forbidden concoction on stage to hype the crowd and watch my boy murder the turntables.

Well at about 11pm, yeah it didn't take long, a bouncer had had enough and yelled for me to get off stage. After refusing, he then made the mistake of grabbing my arm and trying to pull me off the stage. At that point I made an even bigger mistake and punched him in the jaw, dropping him to the plywood floors. You ever heard "The customer is always right?" well in the Club world we have a similar one, "The bouncer is always right." Meaning, don't try and take them on because you will lose. While I did get in a few more licks after being hauled to the ground, there were four more bouncers that came in and left me seriously bruised. I was then carried out in a hogtie type of hold; yes carried down to the first level, out the entire length of the pier and down the ramp. All this by a very disgruntled Old Orchard Beach Police Officer, never did catch his name.

The party went on, my sister pleaded the officer to stop placing the handcuffs on me and to let her take me home. Do you remember that I mentioned most of my High School class was there? Or that my girlfriend had showed up late, but just in time to see me wrestle one bouncer to the ground and then be caught in the middle of a WWE Tag Team match with four others. Needless to say, I made it home without any charges, but I did however have two black eyes, a busted up elbow, bruises all over my back and a hangover I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

Lessons learned here Kidds are:
-Never try and fight back when a bouncer is simply enforcing the rules.
-Check out my boy DJ Breeazy, he spins at Down Ultra Lounge on Thursdays, Royale on Fridays, The Greatest Bar on Saturdays and does some occasional appearances at Umbria, District and whatever event we are holding.

Twitter @djbreeazy

Stay intoxicted Kiddos.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Boston Style?

So I've turned into a straight up City Kidd since I moved to Boston. It fits my personality as well as my interests, and one thing I always loved was the different styles that Boston City Kidds have. We got kids with awkward haircuts, skinny jeans and reverse pedal bikes: Hipsters. The grunge graphic tee, torn jeans skaters that everyone else has. The hip ass Asian kids with the crisp Nike's and pressed Crooks and Castles apparel. Your typical college student with their school sweatshirt on, levi's and Asics running shoes, usually white kids. But before going through all the others, there is one particular style that I do not understand as a whole. It is monopolized by my beloved black friends, yes they tell me to say they are black since they hail from the Bean or NY and not Africa; but this style is also taken on by the flashy white kids with lineups at times. Everyone reading this post is going to know at least one person who reps this swag and it's not a bad thing, I just wonder where the creativity is?

Now just to start, they always wear Jordans, stricly Jordans. One of my boys has like 80 different pairs of Jordans, he's a fiend and has a true hobby collecting sneakers and I respect that because my idol, the late great DJ AM was a sneaker head. But okay, Jordans on the feet, then usually the crisp, dark Levi's jeans, nuff said. On to the top half, usally a 10Deep graphic tee, or some other rising clothing company you can find at Karmaloop. Colored G-Shock watch of course, throw a large black North Face coat over that, fur hood optional and to top it all off, a snap back hat that matches perfectly with the shoes, the watch and the tee. Usually not even a relevant team, some crazy ass squad that's not even close to Pittsburgh? Bro we know you don't give a shit about the 'Burgh. But it's all good, I'm not hating, just trying to understand why it's gotta be all these things at once?

HEAR ME OUT! I enjoy all of these items, I have just about all of these, except Jordans, not my thing but that's a different story. I just don't understand why every "City Kidd," has this look? Switch it up, grab a different watch, wear shell toes, maybe go back to fitted hats? I'm not even sure, this is my take on the current styles hitting the Bean. I'm wondering what some of my boys' take is on this, I do embrace this style, and each item within it, but can't we switch it up Boston? Guess I just like to be different, plus I'm white, and my boy with the Jordans always tells me "I just don't understand cuz I'm the white kid." Haha it's straight though, some things I may never understand, until then, Ima keep posting these opinions and feeding you with Drunkadelic style. Get at me.

Shouts to all the companies I mentioned and to everyone that reps this style, rep tha bean children. Be sure to check out Karmaloop for all your apparel intoxicating styles.

The perfect 90's hottie for this post....

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ode to Miller High Life

Here's to you oh Miller High Life.

Only until recently, did I realize that you are a poor man's beer, a cheap alternative to a night, a so called sham of hops and water. How you hid this all so well with your golden tint, your 1950's classic labels and that pretentious bitch that's sitting on the moon toasting to life. You lurk in the shadows of the Bohemian Pilsners, the IPA's and the other unpronounceable brews, like Chunk from the Goonies stuck in the basement. Priced at only $10.19 at the local Blanchard's for an 18 pack, you provide a safe haven for hipsters and cheap college students. You've earned such a bad rep......or have you?

You are a hand crafted gem, brought to us by the Miller Brewing Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Making the list as one of the most American things in my life, you bring a sense of comfort when consumed. On several occasions, I have had epic nights with my boys while drinking these High Life delights. You truly are the Champagne of Beers and I want to commend you on being my beer of choice. So while I sip on one of these, in a can no less, I dedicate these next few years to you, because God knows you and I are going to be chillin for a long time.

Here's to Honor; Get on her. Stay on her . And if you can't come in her , come on her. To Honor.

I leave you with this post's Random 90's Hottie.....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is Tropical- The Greeks

This was shown to me by The Hebrew Hammer, an unbelievable music video editing with everything from little kid violence to fake youth drug cartels. The song is sick, the video is ballsy. Enjoy.


Every ripper we throw at the 66 Quint Palace would have our very own, "SKIPPY," on tap. And by on tap, I mean thrown into Gatorade jugs and placed on the counter in the kitchen, right next to the counter that girls get on top of and dance on; no matter their size..... We would literally go through three batches of SKIPPY in less than two hours. It has always been a huge hit and now become a classic drink provided by the Quint boys. So what are the ingredients you ask?

  • One full thirty rack of beer. Preferably Busch Light or some other cheap shit.
  • One fifth of Vodka. Again, something cheap like Cossack or Orloff. 
  • Two 2 Liters of Mountain Dew
  • One entire small bucket of Country Time Lemonade mix. Flavor of your choice. 
Now sometimes you may be running short, but you promised that hot blonde with the mini skirt a cup of SKIPPY. Now you need to improvise, Gatorade bucket isgetting dry, how are you going to pour the drink? Improvise with rogue ingredients of course:
  • Excessive amounts of Red Bull. They once sponsored one of our parties and I emptied a case into a SKIPPY batch, along with other things.
  • Any FOUR LOKO. (Be careful, this is a one-way ticket to Black Out City.
  • Brugal. Some Spanish liquor that a friend of mine introduced me to. It's pretty serious, and along with the Red Bull, I added half a bottle of this.
  • Sauza Gold Tequila. 
  • Your typical Lemon Lime Gatorade.
  • Random beers you find in your fridge.

These are all personal additions as I scrambled through the kitchen trying to stretch the last batches at our blockbuster parties such as Highlighter Party, Halloween Ripper, Farewell FOUR LOKO. This has always been a hit with us, it was shown to me and I cannot take full credit for the recipe, nor any credit. I think it's a 53 Joy recipe, who knows. I also have no fuckin clue why it's called SKIPPY, it has absolutely nothing to do with peanut butter. Fuck it, try it out, it's sure to take off at a party.

Trust me, it tastes dangerously good. Would I steer you wrong? Grab your SOLO cups, tell the DJ to spin some face melting Dubstep and get weird with that blonde chick in the mini skirt already!

Now ending with the random 90's hottie......this brought to you by The Hebrew Hammer.

Summer fuckin Sanders, Salud.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Hebrew Hammer

Growing up I never had any Jewish friends, simply because where I am from is very uncultured. Of course once I moved to Boston, that all changed. Most recently when I got my new apartment with 5 of my other friends, we had two bedrooms we still had to fill in the giant, now well known, 66 Quint. So thanks to craigslist and Emerson College, we got two new roommates. Enter Rockman, a Bay Area native with some serious HipHop knowledge, scary good talents in writing, an apathetic attitude and oh yeah, he's Jewish. Literally the brunt of all Jewish jokes in the house now and for no absolute reason. Anything from "Hey Rockman, there's a penny on the floor." to dropping Hard J's (Jew) to his face. By all means it was in good fun: I mean we are a house full of mid 20's dudes. Trust me, none of us are anti-semetic, in fact we all acknowledge that Jewish People run the world and are fantastic with numbers, it's just facts and we are merely jealous. But at the time, Rockman was viewed as the roommate who could hang, but wanted nothing to do with the shenanigans we were bringing to the house. The man in the cave we called him. We would throw parties and he'd get down, but to an extent, filing into his room when the opportunity presented itself. Now me being the outrageous alcoholic prick that I am, I seemed to take notice to this and then quickly took advantage of it.....

Countless nights from November on, I would come home obliterated beyond recognition and make it a point to barate and torment my new West Coast roommate. It started with just simply screaming his name as loud as I could until he'd come out and have some after hours drinks with the rest of the roommates and company that came out. And then it quickly turned into me sneaking onto his balcony and breaking into his room to scare the living shit out of him just to get a laugh. STOP, I know what you're thinking, I have absolutely nothing against him, at all. I just thought it was hilarious to include him in the insane and out of line shit we were doing. I felt like he needed to be a part of it, shit, I thought it was my duty to break him in. He would complain, make a small stink, but never truly got upset with me. I am an extrovert and he is an introvert, we both knew this and it became an unwritten law that any night I came home smashed, Rockman was waking up to hangout, whether he wanted to or not. But one night, the rock didn't think it was funny anymore, oh no, this time the Hebrew Hammer laid down the law.

After a night full of drinks and exchanged phone numbers, my boy JonJon and I returned to the house with a few ladies of the night and for some reason, JonJon told them that we had a roommate we called the penguin. Now we have never called Rockman the penguin, it doesn't even make any sense really, clearly we were trashed and the word penguin was funny. But then while we were drinking at the house and trying to keep the party going while everyone else was sleeping; the girls decided to provoke "The Penguin" out of his "igloo." Again, no idea why this was even happening. Both girls were just, "Hey penguin, come out in your tux!" or "Come here little penguin!" Now this had gone on for a good half an hour if not more. I then recieved a text from my San Fran Giants lover Rockman, stating that if i didn't shut these bitches up, he'd do it for me. So I proceeded to quiet these chicken heads but there was no use. The Penguin Brigade continued, these girls seriously wanted to see something waddle out of that door. Now I even wonder if they thought we seriously had a penguin, none the less the door handle jiggled a bit and with a swing of the door, out came the rock. Absolutely furious, screaming "Get the fuck out of my house you dumb bitches!!" I have never seen this kid mad let alone yell at females, this was a surprise! The girls left immediatly and JonJon and I were left with our jaws on the floor. Because no sooner did he turn back into his room without a word to us.

To this day I have no explanation for the penguin incident, since then I haven't seen him get nearly as upset or even yell for that matter. It was a day I will never forget, it was the day I got hit with the Hebrew Hammer. Rockman and I remain boys, and I no longer ruin his life while he tries to sleep and I am intoxicated.

Fuck it, pour me a drink, let's wake this dude up....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zoo Specimens

This Blog Post is brought to you by Boones Farm Tickle Pink, and Marlboro 100's.....

Just returned to Boston and nursing a severe hangover after a long weekend in the Great North; Maine. Day one of my visit consisted of taking my little niece to the "zoo" aka York's Wild Kingdom; pretty much a fenced in area with a plethora of random animals that have seen better days. This establishment has been around for as long as I can remember, and I am pretty sure that white tiger is the same one that I went to see when I was seven.... Needless to say, the place could use a few updates in not only their animals but the outdated 1970's signange as well. Regardless, I enjoy the zoo so I was ready to witness these decrepid animals in their depressing little play pens.

But it wasn't the caged animals that I ended up getting a kick out of. Oh no, it was the creatures that flocked in from what seemed like a sewer plant neighborhood. Now I'm no high class snob, but holy shit, some of these people were straight specimens. They waddled around the park with their stained sweat pants, chain smoking cigarettes and tugging their kids on leashes. It was like the Trailer Park Express bus was running fifty cent rides to the zoo. Between viewing this, smelling their corndog and Marlboro stenched outfits and the hangover I had from the night before, I was about ready to vomit onto the platform where you could ride the ancient elephant for $20. Luckily I held my composure because shit, I'm with the fam. So instead I'd point out these wretched creatures to everyone in hopes of easing my nausea. Soon enough we had seen the fleet of expired animals and walked over to the amusement park that is attached.

Now we are seriously talking about outdated equipment; rides and fun houses that were built back in the 60's. Some of these rides seemed like they were going to just collapse in place and the bolts would just pull out if you touched them due to the 50 years of rust. Did I mention the staff that is employed on this side of the park? A mix between your average carney that only knows the stop and go buttons and the characters from Rob Zombies: House of 1,000 Corpses film. Just absolute terrifying, back country folk who all shared the same "I'll eat you" grin and "put the lotion on" stare. Did not have any close encounters with these people but after a few hours with this material in front of me, I had had enough so we planned our departure.

We all made it out in one piece and had a ball with my niece as well as people, I mean specimen watching the entire day. I guess I don't have a moral to the story, just an insane view on the creatures that populate where we live.

Pour me a drink in honor of these Stephen King characters.....


Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome to the Tales of Kidd Drunkadelic

After countless nights that rendered almost unimaginable stories, it came to me that I should share the in's and out's of the city as well as the mindboggling interactions with the people of the Bean. Not to mention the amount of things lined up for this coming year is just aggressive. With events such as:
  • Identity Festival in Mansfield, MA
  • North Coast Music Festival in Chicago, IL
  • Tiesto live at University of Rhode Island
  • Deadmau5 doing four nights in Boston at the House of Blues
And these are just big shows, not even the day to day shenanagins I get into or random tips I have to share about the amazing city that I live in, Boston. There is a ton of fun shit to do in this city and an even bigger amount of fun people and I intend to bring my experiences and views on what's going on around the Hub. Don't expect good cooking recipes, my opinion on celebrity break ups or any other bullshit you see on Perez Hilton.

So let the Tales begin, time to pour myself a drink and see what I get into tonight.......